Friday, March 23, 2012

Struck with DIABETES

Part one
An experience which I wish to share so that you could be alerted on diabetes. About a year ago my fasting blood sugar (FBS) reading was 7.3 which is considered high (prediabetic). Not much attention was taken although both my parents were diabetics.And the next FBS test would not be due until July.

The development of diabetes is not just overnight. It is a cumulative effect and must have turned serious over the past one month. The first symptom was thirst and frequent urination. It was presumed that because of profuse sweating in the estate or doing some garden work makes one thirsty. Moreover the throat and mouth were always dry. To quench the severe thirst I had beer, drinks from preserved 'kat chai" or limau kasturi in sugar made by my wife; rum & coke; campari 7up and of course plenty of cold water.

Concurrently there was frequent urination both at night and day.Again this was presumed that whatever fluid/water goes into the mouth must be out from the pipe!! It was assumed that the more you drink the more frequent it will be - almost every hour!!

 Tiredness is another symptom. Always felt like lying down and sleeping a few times a day. Again I tried to find out why and presumed that it was because of disturbed sleep due to frequent urination at night.

 Finally, there was blurred vision. Could it be due to too much computer usage?? All these effects led to loss in weight - lost4.5 kilos. Do not ignore the presence of the mighty ants on the floor or around the toilet bowl after urination. This is also a sign of sugar in the urine.

It was not until dizziness, forgetfulness (nya nyok) and lethargy that I finally felt that I should consult the doctor.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Just for Laughs - Non Racial/racist


A Chinese lady was asking for permission to jump que for blood sampling.

: Malay lady- Apasal mau cepat??
:Chinese lady - pasal mau pergi Hospital Pinang - mau pergi 'BAKAR".  What she meant was going for radiation.


An Indian man was looking for a bicycle pump.

;Indian- Tauke ada BOMP???
:Chinese tauke- Ada 'PONG'!!!!


Temple was celebrating  a festival

;Chinese- Ada ambil 'COWDI'???  (meant to be KAVADI)
;Indian- Tada, mau 'TURUN API'!!!!   (means fire walking)

Cheers!!! no malice meant!!